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With the offering of the fusion tip, Potenza is unlike any other RF Microneedling device on the market.

Discover the power of Potenza today

Newly improved innovative radiofrequency micro-needling device

  1. Deep Monopolar Energy Delivery: Unlike most other RFMN devices, Potenza features monopolar mode, in addition to bipolar, which draws energy deeper into the skin to the depths required to stimulate collagen production
  2. Breakthrough FUSION TIP: Potenza’s patented fusion tip enhances topical penetration by 67%** and drives collagen stimulating serums into the deeper layers of the skin, where it counts. Newly improved.
  3. Patented Tiger Tip: Only Potenza uses the patented Tiger Tip that simultaniously releases radiofrequency energy at two depths, within the dermis to stimulate fibroblast activity
Discover the power of Potenza today

Potenza’s versatility cannot be overstated

The world’s first RF microneedling machine that combines monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency at 1 or 2MHz in a single device, creating four unique RF modes.

With 4 RF modes, 10 different needle configurations and customizable energy settings you can fine tune treatments based on your patients’ specific needs – all skin types, anywhere on the body, any time of year.

Potenza transformations – Patient Before and Afters

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After 1 treatment (Courtesy of S. Doherty, MD)

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After 2 treatments (Courtesy of S. Doherty, MD)

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After 3 treatments (Courtesy of J.H.Yoon, MD., Korea. Yonseifams Clinic)

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After 3 treatments (Courtesy of J.H.Yoon, MD., Korea. Yonseifams Clinic)

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After 1 treatment (Courtesy of J.H.Yoon, MD., Korea. Yonseifams Clinic)

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After 3 treatments (Courtesy of J.H.Yoon, MD., Korea. Yonseifams Clinic)


The best just got better; The new Fusion Tip

280% larger, 250% faster, 100% better​*

  • The CP-25 needles are 2x bigger allowing for additional penetration of topicals ​
  • A full-face treatment can take 12 minutes versus 30 minutes* ​
  • The CP-25 tip has both monopolar and bipolar capabilities enabling more versatile treatment options ​
  • Enhanced topical delivery allows for more efficient use of expensive topicals ​
  • Enhanced patient experience

*compared to CP-21

Semi-insulated vs Insulated Tips – What’s the difference?

Another instance of our Potenza microneedling machine’s versatility lies within the options of semi-insulated and insulated tips. Semi-insulated tips allow for increased coverage in a single insertion, whereas insulated needles are great for deep (bipolar) treatments and targeted areas at superficial (monopolar) depths.


Insulated Needles

  • 16, 25, and 49 needle array
  • Adjustable depth 0.5mm – 4.0mm
  • Used for both targeted and deep treatments

Single Insulated Needles

  • 0.8mm, 1.2mm, 1.5mm depths
  • Used to precisely target and improve blemishes found in the skin

Tiger Tip

  • 16, 25, and 49 needle array
  • Adjustable depth 0.5mm – 4.0mm
  • Used for treating more tissue in a single treatment

Fusion Tip

  • 21 or 25 insulated needle array
  • Adjustable 0.5-2.5mm depths
  • Uses a dual-air chamber design to capture and release air towards the skin in order to enhance the penetration of topicals into the channels


How long does the treatment take?

Depending on the number of areas that are being treated, each session of Potenza treatment can be completed in just under 45 minutes. However you will also need to allow additional time for the numbing cream to activate.

How long will the results last?

The results after completion of your POTENZA™ treatment plan may last for years. However, due to the natural aging of the skin, results would appear to diminish over time. The longevity of the results also depends on your lifestyle and daily skin care routine. By maintaining the appropriate skincare
regime recommended by us, you will be able to prolong the results.

Who is a good candidate for Potenza?

A good candidate for the POTENZA™ treatment is anyone who wants to address fine lines and moderate wrinkles on the forehead or around the eyes, texture irregularities on the skin, tightening to the skin, uneven skin tone from sun damage and acne scars.

For patients

Are you a patient looking to find out more about Collagen and Potenza?

Collagen & Potenza

*Indication of soft tissue coagulation.  Soft tissue coagulation results in regeneration of collagen and elastin.

*67% topical penetration = Dr. Christine Dierickx Whitepaper: The Potenza Fusion Tip: Enhanced penetration of topical products.

*1-5% topical absorption = 29. Wang JV, Mehrabi JN, Zachary CB, Geronemus RG. Evaluation of Device-Based Cutaneous Channels Using Optical Coherence Tomography: Impact for Topical Drug Delivery. Dermatologic Surgery. 2022;48(1):120-125. doi:10.1097/DSS.0000000000003275


©2020. Cynosure, LLC. All rights reserved. Cynosure is a registered trademark of Cynosure, LLC. Tiger Tip is a trademark of Cynosure, LLC. Potenza is a trademark of Jeisys Medical, Inc. Cynosure, LLC. owns exclusive rights to photography. Use of photography without written permission of Cynosure is prohibited.

The Potenza radiofrequency microneedling device is intended for electrocoagulation and hemostasis of soft tissue for dermatologic conditions. Potential side effects include temporary redness, temporary tingling, and burning sensation while receiving treatment. Like all medical procedures, not all patients are suitable for the treatment. A qualified practitioner is solely responsible for evaluating each subject’s suitability to undergo treatment and for informing those being treated about any risks involved with the treatment, pre-and postoperative care, and any other relevant information. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed.

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